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Tucker and Elon

Last week, Tucker Carlson laid down, rolled over and showed his belly to Donald Trump. It was the same move made by a submissive puppy.

This week, Carlson sat down with Twitter owner Elon Musk.

Here is an excerpt pass along by Fox News. Look at how Carlson challenges Musk when it comes to those programing artificial intelligence.

I’m kidding, Tucker just went into his “yes man” routine as he always does with those on the right.

ELON MUSK: What’s happening is, they’re training the AI to lie.


MUSK: It’s bad.

CARLSON: To lie. That’s exactly right. And to withhold information.

MUSK: Yes. Comment on some things, not comment on other things. But not to say what the data actually demands that it say.

CARLSON: How did it get this way? But you funded it at the beginning, what happened?

MUSK: Yeah. Well that would be ironic. But the most ironic outcome is the most likely it seems.

 I wondered if AI does lie, so I asked ChatGPT if Carlson was a shill for the right?

Here is the replay:

Yep, he’s right, AI lies.

Everyone knows that Carlson is a shill for the right.

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