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The Way to Fight Sinclair

An FTVLive reader sent along his advice as to how to take on Sinclair.

Howdy Scott: 

Let's cut to the chase about this Sinclair business. Protest notes, petitions, outdoor signs on businesses.. all basically noise.

The ONLY way to hurt Sinclair is for EVERY single person who
is affected by this pirate company to INDIVIDUALLY file a Violation of License complaint with the FCC regarding the station icense in the affected person's market. The basic complaint should center around Sinclair, as the license holder, no longer fulfilling its obligation to serve that market by eliminating local news (and programming). 

If all of those affected at KTUL (and the rest of the stations) EACH sent an e-mail (or letter, even better) of complaint to the FCC, it will take notice. And so will Sinclair. The letter you displayed with all the legit complaints is a good basic outline for approaching this. But while the FCC might investigate those issues, they must respond to specific complaints against a specific broadcast license.  If they want to make a difference, all of those affected (and folks like you) need to give up an hour of (anti-) social media time and write the e-mail or letter.

Important: the letter should NOT be a form letter. Make it up yourself.
That's how you get back at Sinclair and maybe, get some justice.
Also.. a copy of the letter of complaint should be sent to the local Congressperson and to both US Senators representing the
affected cities. That will shine another spotlight on the Sinclair pirates.
Action gets action.

Complaining gets zilch.

See this content in the original post