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Recycling the News at CBS

The CBS Evening News runs about 22 minutes after you pull out the commercials and promos.

You would think that in covering the world, 22 minutes is not a very big news hole to fill.

Yet, it appears that CBS is having trouble doing just that.

Despite the fact that you have a historic Supreme Court nomination hearing, a war in Ukraine, and the follow to some very nasty weather events happening, CBS still needed to find some filler.

Last night, Norah O’Donnell’s newscast included a story about a Tennessee school district using a new program to help fill their teacher shortage.

The story from Meg Oliver might have looked a bit familiar to CBS viewers. The exact same story ran on the CBS Morning news back on Feb. 17th.

There was no update on the story and in fact the Oliver story was cut down from the original story from a month ago.

On Feb. 17th, the story ran 2:35 and last night on the CBS Evening News, the package ran 1:56.

In other words, CBS ran a month old package with less information than the original.

No wonder they are in last place.

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