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Tegna Changes Policy on the Term "Illegal"

As Tegna continues to come under fire for their treatment of minorities, the company has issued a new policy on how the refer to undocumented immigrants in stories.

KUSA (Denver) Reporter Jeremy Jojola tweeted about the change that has been sent down to all Tegna stations.

While Jojola is praising the change made by Tegna, he did not credit former KUSA Reporter Lori Lizarraga for making it happen.

Lizarraga called out KUSA for their use of the term “illegal” and for the station’s treatment of Latinas in the newsroom.

The bottom line, if Lizarraga didn’t blow the whistle on KUSA, it is likely that Tegna never would have made this change.

As a Reporter, Jojola should have cited that.

Just saying…..

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