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Poynter Pulls List

For some reason, the Poynter Institute thought it was a good idea to put out a list of over 500 news websites that they thought advertisers would want to stay away from.

In other words, Poynter had a boycott list.

Most of those sites that Poynter listed were conservative website like Briebart. Poynter called this list an “index of unreliable news sites” and was openly calling for advertisers to stop sponsoring these sites.

Needless to say, Breitbart and others had a problem with this list.

After the blowback, Poynter backed down and deleted the the page with the 500+ websites listed.

Poynter said there was "weaknesses in the methodology” that they used.

FTVLive has never been a fan of any person or company calling for a boycott of any news outlet or person. A number of boycotts have been staged against Fox News and their hots like Tucker Carlson.

While we believe that Carlson is a complete tool and preaches nothing but hate, we would never call for a boycott. If you don’t like his show, don’t watch it. If enough people don’t watch it, Fox News will take it off the air.

The idea that Poynter says it “champions freedom of expression” and then makes a page of 500+ news outlets that advertisers should stay away from, smacks irony in the face.

Then, they pulled the list after some blowback makes them appear to cave in to pressure.

In other words, it was not a good week for Poynter.

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