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Brian and Micheal Sitting in a Tree

Brian Stelter is being called out for fawning all over porn star attorney and shady character Michael Avenatti.

This clip of Stelter sucking up to Avenatti is making its way around social media:

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In his newsletter, Stelter tried to defend his actions, saying, “There are lots and lots of reasons why Avenatti was newsworthy when he was representing Stormy Daniels. Journalists did their jobs and questioned him — some more effectively than others. Critics are doing their jobs and questioning the coverage — and that makes all of us better. But bad faith arguments make us all worse off. Some folks have been distorting my comment last September about Avenatti.”

Stelter then added this, “He (Avenatti) showed a Trump-like mastery of the media last year.”

What he showed is media manipulation, which is exactly what Trump did as well.

Stelter and others in the media love the “quick hit” and really don’t take the time to look into who they talk to, or let on the air.

Stelter’s CNN fawn all over the Trump circus and gave him millions of dollars of free air time. Brian Stelter once gushed that Donald Trump used his cellphone.

When Trump turned on CNN, CNN did the same to Trump and started bashing him. Stelter now bashes Trump on a daily basis and when Michael Avenatti started to do so as well, Stelter could not get him on his show quick enough.

You can look at CNN and Stelter’s initial coverage and fawning over Trump as a mistake, but it was a mistake they didn’t lean from.

Because, they did the exact same thing with Avenatti.

And CNN wonders why their ratings are sinking?

And yet…Jeff Zucker still has a job…

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