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Someone's Getting Fired

Tegan’s WBIR (Knoxville) is saying sorry for something that was said on their closed captioning during a newscast that air on Fox 43 WTNZ.

In the closed captioning that went out to viewers, it included the words “God Hates Muslims”

Doug Koontz, general sales manager for WTNZ said this to the Knoxville News, "We tracked the captioning company to Colorado, and we're trying to see what went wrong and how it did," Koontz said. "We're all on top of it."

Wait, are you saying you don’t know which company does your closed captioning and that it was only after you “racked the captioning company to Colorado” that you knew?

What the hell kind of operation are you running?

Also, why is the sales guy making a comment?

And to just show how lost this guy is, the Knoxville News writes the company Koontz said handles WBIR's captioning was acquired by VITAC in 2017 and is no longer in existence. VITAC's Chief Marketing Officer John Capobianco said the company has not provided closed captioning services for WBIR since February 2018.


Looks like passing the buck didn’t work this time did it Doug?

WBIR did issue an apology on their Twitter after Koontz’s lame attempt failed.

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