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Skippy and Jeff

Imagine if you will that Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz sat down with Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott to interview on stage and streamed out.

How do you think CNN’s media critic Brian Stelter would react to that?

The idea that an employee would sit down with their boss and lob softball questions at them seems incredibly lame.

Yet, that is exactly what CNN did yesterday.

It was ironically titled as well:

Stelter interviewed CNN boss Jeff Zucker on stage and laughed at Zucker’s not funny jokes and short of a reach around, made sure that Zucker was comfortable in every way.

Of course, Stelter had to bring up his obsession, which is Fox News and ask Zucker about Fox. Zucker said he did not want to talk about Fox News and then went right on talking about Fox News and disagreeing with Stelter on some of his takes on Fox News.

Before you watch the clip, Stelter is the heavyset one, since it is a bit difficult to tell the two apart.

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Zucker says that Fox News is not a Journalism outlet.

Have you watched CNN Jeff?

I agree with Zucker’s take that Fox News is lacking on Journalism, but he might not want to throw rocks out of CNN’s glasshouse.

Also, Stelter is writing a book on Fox News, yet his own boss says that when it comes to Fox News and his (Stelter’s) reporting on it, it is one of the mistakes he makes as a journalist.

If his own boss doesn’t think he is reporting correctly on Fox News, why should we buy his book on Fox News?

Just asking…

Another CNN employee tweeted out about Zucker’s dog and pony show with Stelter. A couple of interesting responses to her tweet:

Yep, Jeff Zucker wants Facebook not to run political ads, which would leave more money for CNN to get on political ads. In 2016, CNN so obsessed with Donald Trump and gave him so much free air time that many believe they were a big part of getting Trump elected.

Maybe CNN should sit this next election out as well.

Also, one question I would have asked Zucker since he was talking about the competition. “Jeff, when you ran NBC, did you know anything about Matt Lauer and his interactions with females employees at NBC?” “Also, did you ever have interactions with any females at NBC that some could deem inappropriate?”

Maybe next time that can have someone that doesn’t work for Zucker ask the questions of Zucker.

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