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Columnist: Fox should fire reporter Kimberly Guilfoyle

Wow! talk about not holding anything back. 

The NY Daily News Linda Stasi says that Fox should fire reporter Kimberly Guilfoyle and then she goes off. 

Stasi writes:

Now that Kimberly Guilfoyle is reportedly having sleepovers with Donald Trump Jr., the Fredo Corleone of the Trump boys, while she’s reporting on him, his father, his father’s sex scandals, and the Mueller investigation, what Fox News — that fair and balanced network — should do is bust her down to courtroom reporter. Or fire her.

That’s what the sex-scandal-plagued news network must do to maintain even the slightest shred of journalistic integrity. She can’t report on the most powerful family in the country while dating one of them.

She then goes on to write:

Meantime, what’s up with Guilfoyle? She gives a whole new meaning to smart women making foolish choices.

She grabs these inappropriate men so fast after they leave their wives that they probably don’t even have time to close down their Ashley Madison accounts and fire up Tinder.

Damn! Tell us how you really feel?

You can read the full take here. 

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