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Enough with the Science

Look, I get the fact that the TV weather people want to look smart to their viewers and show that they know their stuff. 

But, when severe weather hits and you start talking over the viewers heads, you are not being much help. 

Look at this screen grab from WJLA in DC.  

Does any no-weather person really know what "gate to gate shear" is? Or what a velocity of minus 59MPH means to those in the path of the storm? 

Now let's look at WRC in DC and their map. 

You can basically tell that if you are in the red area, it might be time to head to the basement. It might not be as fancy, but for people in the patch of the tornado, it's everything they need to know. 

Our advice to the Weather Anchors is save the science for days when the weather is not potentially deadly, when severe weather hits use the old KISS. Keep it simple stupid and you might actually help save lives. 

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