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Today is the Day you Can Save a Life

Every day is a something day, it could be National Pancake Day or Hug a News Anchor Day, but Today is a day that really matters. 

Todays is National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day and I want to encourage any of you that can to please do just that. 

I adopted Rory over 3 years ago and like all pets, he has changed my life. No matter how bad a day you are having, Rory can always brighten it up and make you feel better. 

So whether it is a dog or a cat, I urge you to head down to the local shelter and save a life. It will be the best thing you do this year.  

You might not be able to change the world, but I can assure you, you can change their world.

And in turn, they will change yours. 
