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UNBELIEVABLE! Sinclair Sacks Sick Anchor

FTVLive was first tipped off to this story last week, but even we could not believe that Sinclair would so something like this.

We started trying to find out if the tip was true and sad to say it is.

Back in May, FTVLive told you that WTVC (Chattanooga) Anchor Alex George had told viewers that she was battling cancer and would be taking some time off. George headed back to Philly for treatment and to be near her family.

Well, while she was out having treatment, Sinclair decided to terminate her contract.

Sources tell FTVLive that on November 19th, George was told she was being let go in an emotional conference call with WTVC HR, General Manager Mike Costa and News Director Tim Henderson.

Viewers were never told and no announcement made to the staff.

George’s picture picture was taken down from the talent wall at WTVC.

George confirmed the news on social media:

In the past week, FTVLive has gotten hundreds of emails and messages from people that were shocked that Sinclair would fire a reporter that was still battling cancer.

“This is a new low even for the lowest of companies,” said one Sinclair Anchor that works in another market.

Others voiced their thoughts of Twitter:

It should also be pointed out that George was voted by viewers as the “Best Reporter” in her market.

GM Mike Costa sent an internal email to the staff saying that he was leaving the station. Station insiders say part of the reason he decided to go, was because the way the company got rid of George as she battled cancer.

If that was indeed one of his reasons for leaving, we applaud Costa for taking a stand and moving on from Sinclair.

This was the internal email that Costa sent the staff about him leaving:

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