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Megyn Kelly's One Regret

Megyn Kelly’s “All about Megyn Kelly” morning show on NBC has celebrated one year on the air.

Does she have any regrets?

I certainly wish I hadn’t put on Jane Fonda,” she said with a laugh. “That didn’t go well!”

Fonda’s poor impression of Kelly was evident when the Barbarella actress addressed the exchange in subsequent interviews. Kelly asserts to Us Magazine: “I let her beat up on me repeatedly. She went out there and ripped on me. It’s fine. You have to take your licks as a reporter, as an anchor. And she did it again, and she did it again, and she did it again and I didn’t say anything.”

So, Megyn Kelly wishes she did have Fonda on the show and that is her only regret.

I wonder if NBC has any regrets with Megyn Kelly?


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