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Jay Leno: Late Night TV is Depressing

Jay Leno is no longer the king of late night and that is just fine with him. 

Leno talked to the Hollywood Reporter and says that late night has gotten really depressing.

Leno says, "Late-night has always been pretty topical. The only trouble is now everyone has the same topic. (Laughs.) It's all depressing Trump stuff. And they all do a great job. Seth Meyers is a great writer; Jimmy Kimmel does a good job; Jimmy Fallon does a great job. I like Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah [on Comedy Central] and Samantha Bee [on TBS]. The trouble is that there's such negativity now. When I did the show, Bush was dumb and Clinton was horny and it was human problems. Now it's all anti-women, anti-LGBT, anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-Salvadoran; it's such a negative thing. God bless all the late-night hosts, they make it funny, but ultimately, it's depressing. You don't really watch late-night TV to get away from reality anymore; now it's more in your face. You laugh but then you go to bed going, "Oh man, the world is really pretty rough." And it's not, it's one man that causes all these problems!" 

He adds, "But then there's an upside. My wife was so depressed when Trump was elected but I said, "This will be the greatest thing that ever happens to the women's movement." Because even men who are apathetic are going, "Whoa, wait a minute." Harvey Weinstein was a catalyst, but Trump really started [the groundswell]. Seven hundred and fifty thousand women showed up for that march on three days' notice. That was unprecedented."

As for him, he's happy to just sit in his garage. 

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