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Nexstar Station Hires College Student as Producer

Just when you think Nexstar can't get any cheaper, they prove you wrong. 

Nexstar owned KLAS in Las Vegas has just promoted an intern to a News Producer job and the Intern isn't even done with school yet. 

Kaitlin Knapp will now be Producing the news in the 40th market, despite the fact that she hasn't even finished school and was just a lowly Intern at the station. 

Knapp herself can't believe that she got the job: 

You can't blame the kid for being excited about the new gig. But, you would have hoped she could have had the chance to move up through the ranks, before being thrown in the deep end of the pool.

We wish Kaitlin well and have some advice. You know the money Nexstar is paying you? They could have easily paid you $10,000+ more than you were offered. 

Get your experience, remember to listen and learn and then get the hell out to a job that will pay you much better. 

Also, no matter what....Don't sign any contract, you are not being paid enough. 

Last but not least, finish your education. Damn! Now I'm sounding like an old man talking. 

Get off my LAWN! 

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