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Bounced Sinclair Manager to Land in Tucson?

FTVLive FIRST told you that Sinclair had bounced their Western Regional News Director, Jennifer Dahl after the FCC started looking into Sinclair's pay for play. 

It seems that Dahl'e role in Sinclair stations airing a commercial, disguised as a news story got her  kicked to the curb. A number of Sinclair insiders have told FTVLive that Dahl was used as the scapegoat by Sinclair, in hopes that the FCC will go easier on them with fines. 

Now word is that Dahl is close to becoming the new GM at a Scripps station. 

Word is that Dahl has been talking to Scripps about becoming the new GM at KGUN in Tucson and that it is close to being a done deal. 

Stay tuned and remember where you read it first. 

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