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Trimming the Bush?

I'll be honest, when I saw the Donald Trump "pussy grabbing" video, I really thought I was watching the end of Trump's chances to win the election and the end of Billy Bush's career at the Today Show.

After the comments that Trump made to Bush and the now Today Show Anchor laughing and then telling the Actress give trump a hug, I figured the guy was toast. 

He apologized for his actions, claiming he was much younger and immature. But, the guy was freaking 34 years old. It wasn't like he was college kid. 

At first NBC said that Bush would be on Today this morning and would address the video. When we heard that news, we were more than surprised that and quite frankly, a bit disgusted. 

It seems that many others felt the same way. People lit up NBC's email box and social media, voicing their outrage at Bush's comments and actions on the video.

Late Sunday it appeared that NBC changed direction and now says Bush will not be on air. This morning, 15 minutes into the Today Show, the show dressed the Billy Bush story. It was one line and said that Bush was "suspended". 

Here is the internal email that Today Show boss Noah Oppenheim sent to the staff: 

Dear TODAY Family -- I know we've all been deeply troubled by the revelations of the past 48 hours.

Let me be clear -- there is simply no excuse for Billy's language and behavior on that tape. NBC has decided to suspend Billy, pending further review of this matter.

If any of you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me directly, anytime day or night.

Best, Noah

Quite frankly as a show that caters to mostly women, I don't know how he could ever comeback. But, we thought the same thing with Brian Williams and NBC kept him on the payroll.

There is no doubt Bush's apology was much better than Trump's, who at first say he heard Bill Clinton say much worse things. Come on Donald, what are you 12? 

A person that worked on The Apprentice contacted FTVLive and says that Trump has said much worse than what he said to Bush. The question is, will we soon be seeing those tapes as well? 

As for now, Billy Bush is squirming and has to be wondering about his future.  

While that goes down, Matt Lauer be like: