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Former St. Louis Anchor Says Photographer Shouldn't be Fired

A former St. Louis Anchor says that a News Photographer should not be fired for making a racist post to Facebook. 

Yesterday, FTVLive told you that, KTVI Photographer Bobby Hughes made a post on Facebook, responding to Michael Brown's mom speaking at the DNC. 

Brown was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, MO.

Huges made a number of post including this one:

He later pulled the posts and apologized for his remarks. 

Former KTVI Anchor Charles Jaco (who also worked at CNN) says he doesn't believe that Hughes should be fired for making such an insensitive statement.   

"His alleged comment was insensitive and racist. But there's always redemptive hope for all of us. Suspension, public apology, sensitivity training, sure," Jaco wrote.

But, Jaco might have a dog in the hunt, when he says the Shooter should not be canned. 

You see Jaco himself was fired by KTVI after posting on Twitter that a group of bikers opposed to helmet laws "looked like they were lobbying to legalize meth."

Jaco admitted as much. As for Hughes? KTVI is still not commenting on their employee's posts. So we'll just have to wait and see what happens. 

H/T St. Louis Post Dispatch 

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