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News Director Says He Fired Suspect for "Odd Behavior"

Former co-workers who knew the man accused of killing WBDJ Reporter Alison Parker and Photographer Adam Ward are talking about their history with suspect.

Vester Lee Flanagan AKA Bryce Williams worked as a reporter in several different markets including Tallahassee, FL.

He was hired in Tallahassee by then News Director Don Shafer (Shafer is now an ND in SanDiego). 

"He was a good on-air performer, a pretty good reporter. And then things started getting a little strange," Shafer said.

Shafer says he  hired Flanagan at WTWC in 1999 and fired him in 2000. Shafer said he fired  Flanagan for what he called was "odd behavior."

Flanagan later sued the Tallahassee station, but the case was thrown out. 

Flanagan also sured WDBJ after being fired from that station. That lawsuit was also thrown out.