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WOW! Did Fox News Blink First in Stand Off with Trump?

In the stand off between Donald Trump and Fox News it appears that FNC was first to blink. 

This morning Trump tweeted this out:

If true it should show that maybe Fox News is worried that Trump is winning the tug of war. Roger Ailes doesn't call people, people call Roger Ailes.

So the thought that Ailes reached out to Trump, may show that The Donald has the upper hand. 

Gabriel Sherman writes in NY Magazine that, according to two high-level Fox sources, Ailes's diplomacy was the result of increasing concern inside Fox News that Trump could damage the network. Immediately following Thursday's debate, Fox was deluged with pro-Trump emails. The chatter on Twitter was equally in Trump’s favor. “In the beginning, virtually 100-percent of the emails were against Megyn Kelly,” one Fox source, who was briefed on the situation told me. “Roger was not happy. Most of the Fox viewers were taking Trump’s side.” 

Sherman adds, in a phone conversation, Trump told Sean Hannity that “he was never doing Fox again,” according to one person with knowledge of the call. The anti-Kelly emails, and threat of a boycott by Trump, seems to have pushed Ailes to diffuse the war. One Fox personality told me that Fox producers gave instructions to tell in-house talent not to bring up Trump’s controversial comments that Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever" during the debate.

According to one count, Fox only aired Trump’s comment once since Friday, while CNN mentioned it at least 50 times.

Is Fox News buckling to Donald Trump? Is Ailes running scared?

Let's sit back and watch how this one plays out.