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ABC News Goes All Missing Plane on Bruce Jenner

ABC News knew they had a ratings hit when Bruce Jenner agreed to speak to Diane Sawyer about his transitioning to a women.

Now, it appears that ABC has gone missing plane with Jenner.

You can't go to the ABC News website without being bombarded with Jenner stories.

Good Morning America was Jenner, Jenner, Jenner, Nepal Earthquake, Jenner, Jenner with their coverage.

Just take a look at the last tweets from ABC's George Stephanopoulos to see that 4,000 dead in a quake is still second fiddle to Bruce Jenner.

Did Jeff Zucker suddenly start running ABC News?

It sure seems that way. 

ABC and Diane Sawyer might have gotten high marks as to how they handled the Jenner interview, but right now it sure looks like they are milking it for every ratings point they can. 

Just saying.....