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Send in the Clowns, Jeff Zucker Likes Don Lemon's Act

Let's be honest, if CNN's Don Lemon worked at another network it is likely he would have been fired for some of his antics and some of the things he said on air.

But, Don Lemon works at CNN and for Jeff Zucker. The CNN boss likes Lemon's clown act and he tells GQ Magazine that there is a lot of interest in Lemon.

“Let me put it this way,” says Jeff Zucker. “There’s certainly a lot of interest in Don Lemon, and that’s a good thing for Don and for CNN. You know, Don is a little bit of a lightning rod. Frankly, we needed a little bit of lightning.”

There are those inside CNN that think that Lemon has made the one time news network into a laughing stock. But, it seems as long as people are talking, Jeff Zucker is totally cool with that. 

Somewhere, Ted Turner is shaking his head.

Just saying....