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In Wake of BriLie, Richard Engel Re-Reports on His Kidnapping

Back in 2012, NBC's Richard Engel and his crew were kidnapped in Syria.

Engel and five crew members were held captive by armed gunmen for five days while covering the country’s descent into civil war in late 2012.

After they were released, Engel reported on-air and elsewhere that he believed his captors were Shiite militiamen loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

But, the New York Times recently uncovered information indicating that the kidnappers were not Shiite but actually part of a criminal gang with shifting allegiances.

Needless to says NBC is a bit gun-shy when it comes to their talent telling war stories.

So Engel took to NBC;s website to re-report on his kidnapping now that he has more information. 

Engel said the Times’ information prompted him and several NBC News producers to update the story. 

The Peacock is looking to recover from a series of reporting gaffes and the embarrassment of having to suspend its chief anchor, Brian Williams, for misrepresenting his own experiences during the Iraq War.

In Engel’s case, there is no suggestion that he and the others misrepresented any aspect of the incident. But new information indicates that the perpetrators went to great lengths to disguise themselves as Shiite militiamen amid the backdrop of political chaos in the nation.

Here is a link to Engel's update on the story.

H/T Variety