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Former Fox Newsie HIred by CNN....not that CNN

It looks like Howard Kurtz's old girlfriend finally found a job at CNN, just not that CNN.

Lauren Ashburn has been hired by Catholic News network EWTNas Chief White House Correspondent and Political Director.

I only knew EWTN as that cable channel with the nun on it all the time. Who knew they had a news department as well?

Ashburn was kicked to the curb at Fox News, after following Howard Kurtz over to FNC. It seems that Howie and Ashburn had some sort of falling out and even quit following each other on social media (so you know it was serious).

But now Ashburn has landed a big role at EWTN Nightly News.

Ok...maybe big is not the word to use.

"Lauren's ability to combine her proven journalistic skills with a solid understanding of the Catholic faith will enable EWTN to continue to expand the level of news coverage we offer our viewers every day," said Michael P. Warsaw who is CEO of the network.

"After more than 20 years in journalism, I'm thrilled to be joining EWTN directing political coverage and covering the White House in what will be one of the most important elections in our lifetime," said Ashburn. "We'll go beyond the press releases and campaign stump speeches and hold politicians accountable while focusing on issues important to Catholics worldwide."

No word when Howie will bring her back on Media Buzz?

Stay tuned....

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