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Guns, Porn.....Yes it's still Sweeps

WGCL in Atlanta got taken to the virtual woodshed by the website Ammoland, which describes itself as "shooting sports news."

WGCL's story about magazines that feature pictures of barely dressed dressed women holding guns should be classified as pornography and sold under cover and counters at the grocery store.

Ammoland, which thinks that WGCL is " CBS News" writes, "Yes, this story was CBS News’s attempt to amp up the culture war against gun owners by trying to convince the citizens, not of Manhattan or West L.A., but Atlanta—Atlanta!—that gun hobby magazines now fall under the category of pornography."

Ammoland then turns their sights (see what I did there?) on WGCL Reporter Karyn Green who they describe as a "hack", writing "“Gun porn is described [she doesn’t tell us by whom] as photos of guns that describe them in the same carefully posed and lighted manner as the models [dramatic pause] in traditional pornography [emphasis added for effect].” O.M.G."

Ammoland was not happy about the chicks with gun piece and then points out this:

Yeah Scott Pelley! 

Where are you on that?

Someone needs to tell Ammoland that WGCL is NOT CBS News and that it's ratings, so hot chicks with hot guns is more about ratings than informing the public.

But, don't worry Ammoland, we will ask Scott Pelley why he isn't on that Miley Cyrus story?

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