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Sick Outs Happening at Sinclair Station?

When FTVLive broke the news that WBFF had fired Reporter Melinda Roeder and a longtime Photographer over the misleadingly edited  "kill a cop: story, Sinclair brass was hoping that would be the end of the controversy. 

It is not.

Sources tell FTVLive that Roeder, as well as a Producer at the station have saved all of the emails back + forth between them and News Director Mike Tomko on the day that story ran.

As FTVLive FIRST reported, insiders claim that it was Tomko who told Roeder to do the story and pointed her to the questionable video.

Many inside the station feel that Roeder and the Photog wear being used as nothing more than scapegoats and staffers are pissed. 

"The News Director has lost all control and respect in the newsroom," says a source to FTVLive.

Word is that staff has been calling in sick as part of a protest as to what happened.

One source tells FTVLive that there is talk about a mass sick out by the station's Photographers, to protest the firing of one of their own.

It is clear that all is not right at Sinclair's flagship station and it just might be time for a change in news management. 

Stay tuned...