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Getting Out of Greenville

WYFF in Greenville might want to change the door to the station to a revolving one, as word comes down that another staffer is leaving the station.

Sources tell FTVLive that Anchor Angela Rodriguez is leaving the station late next month. Rodriguez joined WYF in September 2009 as anchor of the 6pm and 11pm weekend newscasts.

She is joining a long list of people that have recently left the station. Since the fall of 2012, WYFF has lost 4 reporters, an editor, 3 producers, 4 photogs, a traffic guy, and two meteorologists.

Here is the internal memo that News Director Bruce Barkley sent to the staff:

Weekend Anchor Angela Rodriguez has decided to pursue other opportunities at the end of her contract this fall and will be leaving WYFF News 4.

Angela will be working through September.

The anchor/reporter job has been listed and a search is on for our next weekend anchor/reporter.

We thank Angela for her 5 years of service.

Please contact me if you know of any strong candidates.
