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Just Calling it Like we See it...

When struggling WKBW in Buffalo decided to blow up their morning show and start over, FTVLive reported the story. 

The station has decided to hire two new anchors to front the morning show that has been sitting in last place since for years. 

As FTVLive reported, the station has hire two new morning anchors that will front the morning show. Our headline when they we're hired was "Jumping on the Titanic." 

Buffalo News TV Critic Alan Pregament mentioned our headline in his latest column. Pergament writes: 

"If you think I’m a bit unfair at times, consider this headline in a national media site after (Tiffany) Lundberg was hired: “Jumping on the Titanic.” Ouch. Channel 7 has sunk pretty low, but it could recover in say 10-15 years."

Pregament doesn't mention FTVLive by name (although we have sent a lot of traffic his way), but he acts as if our headline was so mean. Even he admits that the station could take 10-15 years to recover and how likely is it that it will be anchored by the same people the station just hired?

Not very. 

The station has a new GM and got rid of one of the worst GM's in the history of TV news. Things maybe finally looking up for the station and let's hope it won't take a decade or more for it to recover.

Time will tell, but one thing is for sure, FTVLive will continue to give it to you straight and call a spade a spade. And to be honest, we might be the only  "national media site" to do just that. 

Next time Mr. Pregament, why not mention FTVLive by name? 

Just saying....