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Move Over Anderson...Here comes Charlie

It's hard not to turn on your TV and not see Anderson Cooper. ​

He has his show on CNN, is also on 60 minutes, has his own talk show (sort of, it's been canceled) and even is popping up as a character ​on The Simpsons. There is no doubt, Cooper gets a lot of exposure on TV.

Well look out Anderson, because here comes Charlie Rose!​

Viewers can already wake up with Charlie Rose on “CBS This Morning,” and wind down their day with his late-night PBS newsmaker interview program. If that is not enough, Mr. Rose, who has been called “the hardest working man in television,” will soon be hosting a Friday night prime-time PBS show, as well.

The half-hour program, called “Charlie Rose Weekend,” will cull the best of his late-night program, which has been seen on PBS for two decades. It will also feature original interviews, and will touch on politics, science, business, culture, media and sports. It is scheduled to begin in July, PBS officials told executives of its member stations at the PBS annual meeting in Miami last week.

The new show, to be broadcast at 8:30 p.m. Fridays, will replace “Need to Know,” a news magazine that went through numerous anchors and format changes in its three years on the air.

In a statement, PBS said the new “Charlie Rose Weekend” would be a bridge between its Friday evening public affairs program, “Washington Week,” and its arts and culture programming, including the “PBS Arts Fall Festival.”

​H/T New York Times