Thanks Obama

Yesterday, while flying on Donald Trump's plane into Cleveland, NBC Matt Lauer interviewed Donald and Melania Trump before they got off in Cleveland.

Lauer asked Melania about her speech that she was going to give. She said that she wrote the speech herself, with very little help.

Well, she had some help, from Michelle Obama:

At least one passage in Melania Trump's speech Monday night at the Republican National Convention plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech to the Democratic National Convention in 2008. Side-by-side comparisons of the transcripts show the text in Trump's address following, nearly to the word, the first lady's own from the first night of the Democratic convention in Denver nearly eight years ago.

Despite the fact that both Melania and Donald Trump says she wrote the speech herself, the Trump campaign has released this statement about her copying parts of Obama's speech almost word for word. 

So, now that it didn't go well, she had a "team" of writers. But wait, she wrote the speech herself...right? Looks like Donald isn't the only Trump that can pass the buck. 

By the way, CNN's Fareed Zakaria watched the speech and said he saw nothing wrong with it. 

Bada bing.....